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Pregnancy & Birth
Bottle feeding
Vakarė Kisieliūtė
6 years ago
Bottle feeding

          At some point on the parenting journey you will need to manage the bottle stage. No matter how easy it might look, getting your baby to drink out of bottle can be surprisingly hard. There are lots of differences between breast and bottle feeding. Babies may refuse to be bottle fed if they are used to being breastfed. If you are the parent who has some struggles making your little one eat out of the bottle, just give some of these tips a try.

          Early try

If there is one bit of advice we have read over and over, it is the importance of starting everything as early as possible.  Same goes with bottle feeding. Of course, starting early might work for some and for others it might be not the solution.  But if you are the lucky one, there might be much less issues with taking the bottle  in the future.


Some children are fed easier on teat bottle, probably because the elongated teat shape is much easier for baby’s tiny mouth and poor sucking skills. Sometimes you might want to rub the bottle teat between the base of the nose and the border of the upper lip to coax him to start drinking. It is the fact that the type of bottle you use is very important, especially for mixed feeding. For example, a long teat goes all the way to the back of baby’s mouth, just like a mother’s nipple, so baby might like it more and get used to it faster.


Your little one might like milk being warm, perhaps it may be even almost hot. After baby will get used to the bottle, you should be able to give him milk in normal temperature and he will not notice it. Also, a strange hack is to warm up your baby's bottle. Just fill a bowl with warm water and place the bottle in the warm water for about 10 minutes. The water should be hot enough to heat the bottle, but also cool enough so you could place your hand in it easily. Do not forget to seal the bottle with a cap over the teat while it is still in the water. Once the bottle is warmed, shake it to make sure the temperature of it is even.


There is also such an easy tip. Just use the breastfeeding position and when baby opens his mouth, slip the bottle teat in it. This trick works for most of the babies.


Hold your baby. Do not prop him up with the bottle. Not only could he choke, but it is the time he needs to be held.

          Sit comfortably

Get comfortable yourself and be sure to support your baby's head and neck. If your little one's head is in the crook of your arm, you will be able to comfortably support and feed him. Tilt the bottle so that the teat fills with milk before offering the bottle to avoid your baby sucking air.


Move the teat of the bottle over the little one’s lips. Doing this will start his sucking reflex.

          Mixing up

The best part of bottle feeding has to be the fact that you can share the joy with your partner. By the way, it means you can catch up on sleep and fun when you are feeling up for it.


For all the 'pros' of bottle feeding, the amount of stuff that comes with it, is not so fun. Thankfully there is a whole range of products out there to help streamline things a little bit. Just look in the online shops and you will be surprised what you can find. And why not invest in some gear that might help you getting some rest through the day?

          Most important thing in bottle feeding stage is to have fun. As much as you possibly can. Just make this simple thing the time of both yours and your baby’s life. Best of luck.

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