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Common morning problems and how to solve them
Vakarė Kisieliūtė
6 years ago
Common morning problems and how to solve them

          Mornings are usually made to be a totally failure, just by their nature. There are countless things you have to do but not a lot of time to do them. Add little people to the mix, and it is no wonder why this experience leaves you tired right away. We cannot promise there will not be any tantrums, but may offer you few strategies to get past some of the common morning problems.

          There is always too little time for everything

You are probably also the one who can feel the mad rush in the morning just because your child is a late riser, and please, do not update your routine until you consider whether he is going to bed early enough. If your child is falling asleep at 10 p.m. and waking at eight, he is not waking up late, he is just getting his full sleep he needs. If there is not enough sleep happening in your household, then you should clearly work on getting the kids to bed earlier. But during the transition or if you have just got one of those kids who needs more than the average amount of sleep, the key to a smooth morning is to have everything ready the night before or, at least, before they get up. Also, even though it is the last thing you have time for, try to take just a minute to connect with your children. Before you rush into waking up your child, be sure to give him a hug and snuggle a little. This quick moment of connection can go a long way toward getting co-operation during the morning dash.

           Not eating breakfast

By nature, every parent wishes to see his kids with a full stomach. After all, it is said breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But if you little one just refuses to eat, it might be that he is just not hungry right away ore does not want to stop what he is doing to sit down at the table and eat. To get through any of these to options, make sure breakfast is a part of the morning routine, whether your kid typically eats it or not. Just ignoring it or skipping it can spur them into a more negative habit, but it does not mean you should force your child to eat if he does not want to. Instead of forcing, take some time to explain why you want him to have breakfast, set expectations for the morning routine and then create a list of favorite foods together. In the morning, ask him what he is hungry for from the list you made together.

          Too early birds

When your little ones are up just after the sun rises, the problem is that there is almost too much time to fill before you need to leave. How do you motivate them to get ready when there is no real rush at all? And if your children gone off just to play, how do you drag them away without having to ask multiply times over again? The key is to minimize the number of times your kid has to switch between the boring task and whatever fun activity he would rather be doing. You should make sure your little ones are totally ready, their teeth are brushed, clothes are on, bag is packed. If everything is done, you can let them play a little. This way you are not nagging at them to put down their toys to eat breakfast and you do not risk running out of time. If you are still having trouble keeping your children occupied while you are getting ready and you would prefer to avoid so loved screen time, you can solve this little problem so easily, just create a morning activity box, filled with some toys and activities that only come out when mom and dad are getting ready. Be sure to switch out the toys or add a surprise every once in a while to keep up the interest of the children.

          My kid is a morning grump

I think you can relate if your child is consistently in a bad mood when he wakes up. But you should take notice and think why. The main reason might be that he is not getting enough sleep. But actually some kids are unhappy in the mornings regardless of how many hours they clocked the previous night. Being barked at by your kid at the start of each day is really frustrating, but the best thing you can do is to show compassion and explain that morning annoys you too, but there is nothing in your power to change it. However, if this is a new behavior, try to look for reasons for it, something like a lack of sleep, not eating enough or an illness whose more obvious symptoms have not shown up yet. Also, be sure to consider what is going on in your child’s life, perhaps he might be having a hard time with something at school or daycare, or maybe he is annoyed with a new member in the family.

          Focusing is a mission impossible

How many times do you have to ask your child to brush his teeth in the morning? I think about a million. A simplest lack of motivation after waking up is a common complaint from parents. And it is no surprise it exist. You are asking your little one to leave the cozy comforts of home and go somewhere that might feel less safe or less fun. By the way, you should understand him, it is not like you wake up deeply motivated every morning yourself. To help your child focus on the tasks, post a list of what needs to be done, like eating breakfast, getting dressed and brushing teeth. Just be sure not to expect a kid to be able to run off and get it done all on his own. Even kids who are fully capable of putting their pants on might need you nearby sometimes. The physical disconnect from you is not very motivating. So just take a deep breath, go to your little one and support him as he goes through his routine.

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