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How to make your children listen?
Vakarė Kisieliūtė
6 years ago
How to make your children listen?

          For every parent it is clear that getting their children’s attention is one of the hardest jobs in the whole world. There is always a simple question on parents’ mind: just why they do not listen? It is not that hard at least to try to understand that it is so hard to be a parent and try to hear few words you are trying to say. But no, children’s attention is somewhere else, somewhere around his favorite toy. To deal with this honesty annoying problem, you should know these amazing tricks.

          Stop for a second

It is quite possible you do not notice that you talk too much. To be honest, everyone usually does. There are so many things you tell your little one and it is truly hard to remember or stay focused on them, when there is so much more interesting things in the world they could learn or do. So how many of your told thing do your kid actually retain? Statistics shows that only about 25 percent. Even though, 25 percent does not look like a good number, but in fact, you should know that it means they are absorbing about 50 directives a day. Now it does not look that bad, huh? So make those few count.

          Consequences will surely help you

Actions are always louder than words, that is why it is just the time for less talk and more action in your and little ones’ life. If your kids will not put their lunch bags away no matter how many times you tell them, allow them to face a stinky, yogurt-smeared lunch bag tomorrow. If the Lego is not picked up no matter how many times you tell to do it, pack the Lego into a box and put it in the garage for a while. These little consequences will show that they should listen and at the end, your children will truly take notice when you are asking them something to do.

          Active listening requires more than just listening

Little ones’ learn most from observing, but there is a little problem, it is hard for them to listen all the time. However you would try to argue, let’s face it, most of the humanity are not good listeners either. Yeah, sure, we hear something of what others are saying, but we have got one ear cocked for an incoming text, our eyes on the road and quite possibly, our head in the clouds. Active listening involves more than only the ears in it, it actually puts our entire body in service. Listening requires hearing more than simple words, it is all about hearing the meaning behind the words and sentences, also responding to it. How often can you say you really do that?

          Give them love

It happens that kids do not listen in order to show something to a parent, to send him some kind of message. They tune us out to make a point that you cannot be an only boss in this house. In this case, you have left with a one and only solution, give them love. So what if you honestly feel frustrated and are thinking about strangling them, just make sure you will hug your little ones’ instead.

          Stop yelling, start whispering

As parents’ frustration level is rising, their voices are rising too. Kids end up feeling yelled at and obviously they truly do not like it. At all. Lowering your voice to a whisper is exactly the opposite of what they are expecting and that might result in a surprising new outcome for you. Besides, when you speak quietly, everyone is forced to lean in and listen more carefully. That is why this solutions fits almost 100 percent of the time.

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Vakarė Kisieliūtė