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Parenting tips to know (Part 1)
Vakarė Kisieliūtė
6 years ago
Parenting tips to know (Part 1)

          Being a parent, especially becoming one, usually is a bit overwhelming. Oh, and those great moments, when all kind of advice, even those, which have nothing to do with parenthood, pours in from all sides possible. That is why we have made this list, to help you peacefully become a little expert in parenting even before you became one, perhaps it will even give you the confidence you need to embrace your new role.

1. Yes, it is important to do the laundry, buy some diapers, but do not worry so much about that checklist, you will survive if you will forget something. The most importing thing you can do as a parent is to learn to be present with your child. Enjoy your precious moments together while you can.

2. Make sure you will be chill about toddler’s meals. You should expect some odd food habits, just let him experiment and offer a variety of solids. Do not push and do not panic at all. Child will ask for some food when he is hungry.

3. Sticking to an early bedtime will surely help you. Your little one will get the sleep he needs and you will get to recharge your batteries for the next day.

4. You are a parent, you are the boss to your little one and he will do whatever you will let him. So yes, be brave enough to say no sometimes. The better you get at turning down requests that are not in your kid’s best interest, the fewer times you will need to do so.

5. Be sure to know your child in and out. Each kid is a unique combination of strengths and challenges.

6. Of course you have plenty of friends, but how many of them are those, you could trust to leave your little one for a night? That is why you should identify the people you can call whenever you need for whatever you need. And when you will, love them hard and thank them as often as possible.

7. As a child you probably did think your father was a superhero, didn’t you? That is what your little ones think about you too. Never forget you are a role model for them.

8. Reading is very important. It puts the basics to your child’s education, so read to your little one every single day. It will help him build his imagination and the time will be spent well.

9. Falling asleep on your own is very hard job for a kid, that is why you have to do your best to help him. Feed your baby at the start of your bedtime routine. After a bath, bedtime reading and a little cuddling, put him down while he is still drowsy but still quite awake. If you feed or rock him to sleep, he will always need your help to shut his eyes. In the opposite way, he will learn to do it himself.

10. Do not forget to make chores every day life. All you have to do is to put emptying trash cans, making the bed, setting the table and putting toys away into your child’s routine. By the way, helping out with the household tasks also builds self-esteem because you trust them to do the job.

11. You are not just a parent, you are your children’s parents and you know them the best, so do not be afraid to trust your instincts. You will notice that even if you cannot diagnose what is actually wrong when your child does not feel very well, your gut will tell you that he needs to be checked out.

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Vakarė Kisieliūtė