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Pregnancy & Birth
Overeating toddler
Vakarė Kisieliūtė
6 years ago
Overeating toddler

          It is quite rare to discuss about little ones overeating, but for some, it is necessary topic to talk about. Even if your child barely has any overweight, but you and others can clearly see that he eats so much, almost as an adult, you can be sure, he is overeating. Here are some tips you should know and which will probably help you to get your child in normal eating diet.

          Sticking to your routine is the best

As toddlers, they are usually picky eating from nature, but some of them are so excited about eating solid foods that they go over the line and want to chew something all the time. If you are trying to deal with your child’s food demands and avoid excess calories, the best way is to stick to a routine. Have breakfast, lunch, dinner and one or two snacks around the same time every day. Only this way your little one will learn when it is the right time to eat. By the way, you should make sure he gets plenty of water because there is a possibility he is confusing thirst with hunger.


Toddlers might want to eat just because they are bored and I believe everyone can relate to this fact. If your little one asks for some food between his normal meals and snacks, try drawing his attention elsewhere. Perhaps go to the park, read a book or even dance a little with your baby to his favorite song.

          Do your best to make him slower

If your child is eating very quickly, it makes a risk for choking bigger and it becomes more difficult for your little one to realize that his stomach is actually full. Try avoiding mindless and rushed eating by turning off the TV and other screens during meals and insist that your child would sit down at the table. If he is a gobbler, put only a small portion on his plate at a time. Serving high-fiber foods, such as soft fruits and vegetables, might also decrease his pace since they require more chewing.

          Do not allow to melt over those pretty eyes

Of course, every parent feels the difficulty of saying “no” over and over again when your little one asks for a simple snack or just looks at you with those big beautiful eyes. But just remember that giving in to his pleas teaches him begging for food or anything else works. By the way, allowing your child to graze all day might lead to overeating. If your kid has already eaten a full meal not long ago and you are totally sure he is not hungry at all, just explain to him that it is not the time to eat, only after an hour or two he will be able to eat some snack.

          Try to get some benefits out of it

If you are lucky to have that hungry toddler, take advantage of it. Introduce him to more adventurous foods, flavors and textures. Now is a perfect time to serve up some brussels sprouts, asparagus, fish and other foods that tend to get an unhappy reaction from little ones all around the world.

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Vakarė Kisieliūtė